Mac operating system uses hard disk space as a source of virtual memory to optimize your system’s performance. Your computer needs disk space for file storage and to perform many behind-the-scenes operating system functions such as memory management. The performance of your computer will be degraded by operating with a startup disk that does not have enough free space available for the operating system to use.You run the risk of totally running out of space on the startup disk and not being able to start your computer.The Mac startup disk almost full message needs to be addressed for two main reasons: You should not ignore this message, as to do so may lead to unpleasant ramifications which impact your ability to use the Mac. The message is telling you that you are running out of storage space on your startup disk. Sometimes warning and error messages that you receive are somewhat cryptic and require some additional explanation in order for you to understand what they mean. But what does it mean, and is it a problem that needs to be addressed? What Does the ‘Startup Disk Full’ Error Mean? You are not sure what to do about this and you definitely get the feeling that this is not cool. As your computer starts, an extra popup alerts you to the fact that ‘Your startup disk is almost full’. Then one day you are literally assaulted with an extremely disturbing message when you are starting up your machine. You never even consider that this relationship with your computer could ever change. You think to yourself that this is how computing should be for everyone. Within a few seconds you see your personalized background and shortly thereafter you are opening apps, reading your email or connecting to your favorite website. Most days, you start up your Mac or MacBook and everything works fine.